our cause

A partnership in building and conserving habitats for our critical pollinators.
Critical habitat is disappearing in the United States. As a result, honey bees and other pollinators like monarch butterflies are in serious decline. These pollinators are essential to life as we know it. In fact, about one-third of the global food production and billions in agriculture are dependent on pollinators to some degree – honey bees and other insects pollinate 80 present of flowering plants worldwide.

Honey Bees Suffer a 40% Loss Yearly
Proceeds from your purchase supports critical pollinators. Learn more about NextGen and Seed A Legacy projects or DONATE.

Habitat Project
The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund brings together landowners, conservationists, scientists, and beekeepers to precisely target pollinators’ needs like never before. Using funds donated by generous corporate sponsors and individual donors, the team works together to build healthy, sustainable pollinator habitat through science-based, proven results.

Solutions for Our Native Polinators
In response to the long-term, continued loss of high-quality, nutritious forage of rhone bees and critical habitat for monarch butterflies, The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund has created a diverse mix of grasses and flowers that help provide the ideal habitat for pollinators and wildlife – bees, butterflies, grassland songbirds, pheasant, quail, upland birds and more.

The Future of Our Habitats
The Seed A Legacy Pollinator Habitat Program is available for private, public and corporate lands in a 12-state region of the country that is critical to pollinator health and habitat needs. Applications are accepted year-round. Seed A Legacy makes it easy for the owners and managers of private, public, and corporate lands to create pollinator projects that make a difference.
Every purchase you make helps save the bees and conserve their habitats. Thank you for being a huge part of our cause!